he ~3.5 Ways to Send Configuration to your Dockerized Apps
1. Baking the Configuration into the Container
Baking your application’s configuration into a Docker image is perhaps the easiest pattern to understand. Basically one can use commands within the “Dockerfile” to drop configuration files into the right places via the Dockerfile’s COPY directive, or modify those configuration files at image build time with “sed” or ”echo” via the RUN command.
If there’s a container available on the Docker Hub Registry that does everything you want save for one or two config settings, you could fork that “Dockerfile” on GitHub, make modifications to the “Dockerfile” in your GitHub fork to drop in whatever configuration changes you want, then add it as a new container on the Docker Hub Registry.
2a. Setting the Application Configuration Dynamically via Environment Variables
This is a commonly-used pattern for images on the Docker Hub Registry. For an example, see the environment variables “POSTGRES_USER” and “POSTGRES_PASSWORD” for the official PostgreSQL Docker image.
Basically, when you “docker run” you will pass in pre-defined environment variables like so:
"docker run -e SETTING1=foo -e SETTING2=bar ... <image name>"
. From there, the container’s entry point (startup script) will look for those environment variables, and “sed” or “echo” them into whatever relevant config files the application uses before actually starting the app.
It’s worth mentioning that the container’s entry point script should contain reasonable defaults for each of those environment variables if the invoker does not pass those environment variables in, so that the container will always be able to start successfully.
- This approach makes your container more dynamic in terms of configuration.
- You are sacrificing dev/prod parity because now folks can configure the container to behave differently in dev & prod.
- Some configurations are too complex to model with simple key/value pairs, for example an nginx/apache virtual host configuration.
2b. Setting the Application Configuration Dynamically via Environment Variables
This is a similar idea to using environment variables to pass in configuration, but instead the container’s startup script will reach out to a key-value (KV) store on the network like Consul or etcd to get configuration parameters.
This makes it possible to do more complex configurations than is possible with simple environment variables, because the KV store can have a hierarchical structure of many levels. It’s worth noting that widely-used tooling exists for grabbing the values from the KV store substituting them into your config files. Tools like confd even allow for automatic app-reloading upon changes to the KV configuration. This allows you to make your app’s configuration truly dynamic!
3. Map the Config Files in Directly via Docker Volumes
Docker Volumes allow you to map any file/directory from the host OS into a container, like so:
“docker run -v <source path>:<dest path> ...”
Therefore if the config file(s) for your containerized app happened to be available on the filesystem of the base OS, then you could map that config file (or dir) into the container. Ex:
“docker run -v /home/dan/my_statsd_config.conf:/etc/statsd.conf hopsoft/graphite-statsd”
- You don’t have to modify the container to get arbitrary configurations in.
- You lose dev/prod parity because now your app’s config can be anything
- If you’re doing this in production, now you have to get that external config file onto the base OS for sharing into the container (a configuration management tool like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet comes in handy here)
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