Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Tag, push, and pull your image

Step 1: Tag and push the image

  1. If you don’t already have a terminal open, open one now.
  2. Run docker images to list the images stored locally:
    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY           TAG          IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    docker-whale         latest       7d9495d03763        38 minutes ago      273.7 MB
    <none>               <none>       5dac217f722c        45 minutes ago      273.7 MB
    docker/whalesay      latest       fb434121fc77        4 hours ago         247 MB
    hello-world          latest       91c95931e552        5 weeks ago         910 B
  3. Find the image ID for the docker-whale image, in the third column. In this example, the id is 7d9495d03763, but yours will be different.
    Note: Currently, the repository shows the repo name docker-whale with no namespace. You need to include the namespace for Docker Hub to associate it with your account. The namespace is the same as your Docker Hub account name. The next step adds the namespace to the image name, like YOUR_DOCKERHUB_NAME/docker-whale.
  4. Tag the docker-whale image using the docker tag command and the image ID.
    The command you type looks like this:
    Docker tag command
    Make sure to use your own Docker Hub account name.
    $ docker tag 7d9495d03763 maryatdocker/docker-whale:latest
  5. Run docker images again to verify that the docker-whale image has been tagged.
    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                  TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED          SIZE
    maryatdocker/docker-whale   latest    7d9495d03763    5 minutes ago    273.7 MB
    docker-whale                latest    7d9495d03763    2 hours ago      273.7 MB
    <none>                      <none>    5dac217f722c    5 hours ago      273.7 MB
    docker/whalesay             latest    fb434121fc77    5 hours ago      247 MB
    hello-world                 latest    91c95931e552    5 weeks ago      910 B
    The same image ID actually now exists in two different repositories.
  6. Before you can push the image to Docker Hub, you need to log in, using the docker login command. The command doesn’t take any parameters, but prompts you for the username and password, as below:
    $ docker login
        Username: *****
        Password: *****
        Login Succeeded
  7. Push your tagged image to Docker Hub, using the docker push command. A lot of output is generated, as each layer is pushed separately. That output is truncated in the example below.
    $ docker push maryatdocker/docker-whale
    The push refers to a repository [maryatdocker/docker-whale] (len: 1)
    7d9495d03763: Image already exists
    e9e06b06e14c: Image successfully pushed
    Digest: sha256:ad89e88beb7dc73bf55d456e2c600e0a39dd6c9500d7cd8d1025626c4b985011
  8. Go back to the Docker Hub website to see the newly-pushed image.
    Docker tag command

Step 2: Pull your new image

The goal of pushing the image to Docker Hub is so that you can access it from any Docker host using docker pull. First, though, you need to remove the local copy. Otherwise, docker pull will not have any work to do, because it will see that you already have the latest version of the image locally.
  1. If you don’t already have a terminal open, open one now.
  2. Use docker images to list the images you have locally.
        $ docker images
        REPOSITORY                  TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED          SIZE
        maryatdocker/docker-whale   latest    7d9495d03763    5 minutes ago    273.7 MB
        docker-whale                latest    7d9495d03763    2 hours ago      273.7 MB
        <none>                      <none>    5dac217f722c    5 hours ago      273.7 MB
        docker/whalesay             latest    fb434121fc77    5 hours ago      247 MB
        hello-world                 latest    91c95931e552    5 weeks ago      910 B
    In the next step, you will remove both versions of the docker-whale image from your local system. They share the same ID. Make a note of it.
  3. Use the docker rmi command to remove the images. You can refer to an image by its ID or its name. Since they share an ID, if you wanted to keep one of them, you’d need to refer to the other one by name. For this example, use the ID to remove both of them. Your ID will be different from the one below.
    $ docker rmi -f 7d9495d03763
    Tip: You can also remove an image with docker image rm -f followed by image ID or name in a similar fashion.
  4. When you use docker run it automatically downloads (pulls) images that don’t yet exist locally, creates a container, and starts it. Use the following command to pull and run the docker-whale image, substituting your Docker Hub username.
    $ docker run yourusername/docker-whale
    Since the image is no longer available on your local system, Docker downloads it. The output below is truncated.
        $ docker run maryatdocker/docker-whale
        Unable to find image 'maryatdocker/docker-whale:latest' locally
        latest: Pulling from maryatdocker/docker-whale
        eb06e47a01d2: Pull complete
        c81071adeeb5: Pull complete
        fb434121fc77: Already exists
        Digest: sha256:ad89e88beb7dc73bf55d456e2c600e0a39dd6c9500d7cd8d1025626c4b985011
        Status: Downloaded newer image for maryatdocker/docker-whale:latest
        / Having wandered helplessly into a      \
        | blinding snowstorm Sam was greatly     |
        | relieved to see a sturdy Saint Bernard |
        | dog bounding toward him with the       |
        | traditional keg of brandy strapped to  |
        | his collar.                            |
        |                                        |
        | "At last," cried Sam, "man's best      |
        \ friend -- and a great big dog, too!"   /
                                  ##        .
                            ## ## ##       ==
                         ## ## ## ##      ===
                     /""""""""""""""""___/ ===
                ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
                     \______ o          __/
                      \    \        __/

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